Wednesday, 1 October 2008

First steps!!

Well, seeing as my other blog over at aol is going to be coming to an end I will be joining many of the aol ex-faithful over here at blogger!!!!

I will fill in more about myself as time goes on but for now I have started this with a fresh mind and hopefully have the same friendships here as I did with J-land!

I will be back when I have more time........and my brain is not as fuddled as it is today with the remnants of a nasty cold!!


Sugar said...

i can't read your post. :( the tag completely covers it.
i'll be back later, have a good day. ;)

Chris/cacklinrosie101 said...

LOL...we'll get used to this. I've been going to bed the past couple of nights with a HUGE headache. HUGS

Helen said...

Good to see you over here. Helen

Jeannette said...

So glad you come over. You have me as a follower now.

Did you know you can take the word verification of your blog so that people do not have to copy the code to leave a comment. I took mine off, it is so hard on the eyes especially for us older ones. You will find it under settings.

Jan said...

Hi Joan ,here Iam ,great to have you with the team again Jan xx

Kath said...

Hi Joan,I went to your other blog and found the same message I got today.Blocked.Anyhow sorry to read about your lovely car.Yes you can bet something is amiss with whoever hit you and took off so quickly.Well love your little dog sure is growing and how lovely too.I hope the rest of the week proves more fruitful for us both as my day has been a you know!!!!Take Care God Bless Kath